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120 Years Anniversary of the St. Jacob’s Church at Mundare

The celebration of the remarkable 120 years Anniversary of the St. Jacob’s Church at Mundare took place on August the 17th at the historical grounds of the holy temple. The Divine liturgy was presided by the Dean of the Patriarchal Parishes in Alberta and Saskatchewan and the Rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral, Father Igor Kisil, […]

Orthodox Children’s Camp of Patriarchal Parishes in 2024

By God’s grace, in this year of 2024, we were once again able to hold the Children’s Orthodox St. Tikhon Camp on the shores of Pigeon Lake. The main feature of this year was an exceptionally large, record-breaking number of children. There were many who wished to attend, and we did not turn anyone away. […]

Traditional Celebration at St. Nicholas Church at Ukrainian Village in 2024

Christ is risen! On the 20th of May the Patriarchal Parishes conducted a service of the Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Church in Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village which is East of Edmonton. This is our annual celebration of the Patronal Feast of the church that was moved to this site from the Vegreville area (Warwick) […]

Paschal Message of  his Grace Matthew, Bishop of Sourozh

PASCHAL MESSAGE OF  HIS GRACE MATTHEW, Bishop of Sourozh, temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA and Canada   Beloved in the Lord, all-honourable fathers, brothers, and sisters! I cordially congratulate you on the Greatest Feast of the Radiant Resurrection of Christ and greet you with the all-joyous Paschal greeting: CHRIST IS RISEN! […]

The Triumph of Orthodoxy at St Barbara Cathedral, Edmonton, on March 24, 2024

No one could describe the Word of the Father; but when He took flesh from you, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described, and restored the fallen image to its former state by uniting it to divine beauty.// We confess and proclaim our salvation in words and images. Kontakion (Sunday of Orthodoxy)   On March […]

75th anniversary of the deacon of St. Barbara Cathedral Andrei Boldyreff

On March 10, 2024, on the Third Sunday preparatory to the Great Lent, in St. Barbara’s Cathedral in Edmonton, Deacon Andrei Boldyrev was honored on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his birth. At the end of the Liturgy, the dean and rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral, Father Igor Kisil, read out a congratulatory […]

First organizational meeting for 2024 Children’s Summer Camp

On the 25th of February, 2024 the first organizational meeting for the Orthodox Summer Camp took place at St. Barbara’s Cathedral. The main theme of the camp will be the Twelve Major Feasts of the Orthodox Church. The dates of the camp were announced as July 28 – August 4, at the same place, Camp […]

19 февраля свой знаменательный юбилей – 60-летие отметил викарий Тернопольской епархии УПЦ, ректор Почаевской духовной семинарии архиепископ Шумский Иов

19 февраля 60-летие со дня рождения отметил викарий Тернопольской епархии УПЦ, ректор Почаевской духовной семинарии, 13 лет отдавший Архипастырскому служению в Канаде архиепископ Шумский Иов.   Юбиляра поздравил Предстоятель УПЦ Блаженнейший Митрополит Онуфрий.   «Много лет своей жизни Вы посвятили усердному служению Господу и Его Святой Церкви, стремясь на каждом месте своих трудов проявлять ревность […]

Christmas and Theophany concert at St. Barbara Cathedral on January 21, 2024

This year the weather conditions made our concert both Christmas and Theophany, as we had to have it a bit later, on January 21, 2024, the Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord. The Christmas concert was organized by the Sunday School of St. Barbara’s Cathedral, and conducted by Mary Holden. The children’s choir of […]

His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA and Canada, visited Patriarchal Parishes in Western Canada in December 2023

His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA and Canada, visited Patriarchal Parishes in Edmonton area to head the celebration of St. Barbara’s cathedra Patronal Feast and the Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia   On December 15, 2023, His Grace Bishop Matthew […]